Eval4Action Eurasian Regional Consultations

Eval4Action Eurasian Regional Consultations

Promoting Evaluation in World of Uncertainty

Date: 16 December 2020
Time: 9:00 AM EST 16:00 (Kyiv time) 17:00 (Moscow time)
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Link to the webinar: (to insert)
Language: Russian and English



Time Speech/topic Name
One minute Technical remarks Ms. Tessie Katsambas

Ms. Natalia Kosheleva

Two minutes Opening remarks Mr. Dmytro Kondratenko (Chairman of the Coordination Council of Eurasian Alliance of National Evaluation Associations)
Two minutes Greetings and welcoming speech Mr. Marco Segone (UNFPA)

Mr. Khalil Bitar (EvalYouth global)

Two minutes Open remarks Ms. Antonina Richko-Porcescu (EvalYouth ECA)
Two minutes Passing the torch from Mr. Al-Zatary  (Europe to Eurasia)

Alena to say few words

when passing the torch,

Dmytro to say few words

when accepting Eval4Action “Torch of Regional Consultation”

Alena Lappo (EES, EvalYouth Europe),

Mr. Dmytro Kondratenko (Eurasian Alliance),

Antonina Rishko-Porcescu (EvalYouth ECA)

Speaker 1 (4 minutes) Role of Parliaments in Eval4Action campaign Ms. Dilrabo, MP Tajikistan
Speaker 2 (4 minutes) Role of Parliaments in Eval4Action campaign Ms. Natalia Nikitenko, MP Kyrgyzstan
Speaker 3

(4 minutes)

Evidence-Based Evaluation for better policy making at the local level Ms. Iryna Kravchuk (Ukrainian Evaluation Association)
Speaker 4

(4 minutes)

Young and Emerging Evaluators Ms. Tamara Kabysh-Rybalka (EvalYouth ECA)
2 minutes Poll:

●       How do you assess the level of evaluation in your country (government, civil society)?

●       How do you assess the level of integration of SDG in national policy?

25 minutes Working on sub-groups Facilitators

  1. Ms. Antonina Rishko-Porcescu
  2. Ms. Jenishkul Moldokeeva and Tamara Kabysh-Rybalka
  3. Ms.Tatyana Tretyakova and Ms.Tatyana Narchynska
  4. Ms.Natalia Kosheleva
5 minutes Presenting three highlights from the group 1 discussions
5 minutes Presenting three highlights from the group 2 discussions
5 minutes Presenting three highlights from the group 3 discussions
5 minutes Feedback from guests and speakers on the results of the workgroups
5 minutes (?) Recap of presentations Natalia Kosheleva
5 minutes (?) Closing remarks and ways forward Eurasia and Global reps